Press Release

Anera Helps Disabled at Madaba Camp, Jordan

May 12, 2011 | Amman, Jordan – Anera is pleased to announce the launch of a project to help disabled children in Madaba Camp and the surrounding area. The year-long, three-phase program will identify cases of visual and hearing impairment and other physical disabilities and provide appropriate diagnostic and rehabilitation services. The project also includes an important awareness campaign and training workshops for parents.

Anera is developing the program in cooperation with the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf (HLID) and its service providers. HLID is a leader in the field of deaf education. Anera is currently partnering with HLID for a similar program in Sukhneh Camp.

Madaba Camp, located 45 kilometers from Amman, was established in 1956 and is home for some 5,000 refugees. An additional 15,000 persons live nearby. Health services at the Madaba Camp Health Center run by the Ministry of Health, Near East Council of Churches Mother/Child Center, and the Islamic Association’s clinic for mother and child health care. But, there is no community rehabilitation center for the disabled in the camp. The nearest center is four kilometers away.

In addition to aiding the disabled in Madaba and Sukhneh Camps, Anera has partnered with the Jordan Breast Cancer Program to extend a Breast Cancer Awareness project to Wehdat Camp for more than 7,000 women and to Al Hussein Camp for 6,000 women.