Press Release

Anera Resumes Humanitarian Operations in Gaza

April 11, 2024 | Washington, DC – Anera is immediately resuming vital humanitarian operations in Gaza. The international non-governmental organization (NGO) paused all its work on April 2, 2024, after Israeli airstrikes killed seven World Central Kitchen workers. Those deaths, on top of the deaths of over 200 other humanitarian aid workers, including Anera’s own Mousa Shawwa, caused the NGO’s leadership and staff in Gaza to agree on the difficult decision of a temporary suspension, and to seek reassurances for the safe distribution of aid.

Since pausing last week, Anera leadership has been advocating daily and stridently with US and Israeli authorities for the safety of humanitarian staff in Gaza. The international attention and pressure on the safety of aid workers and public statements in the last week by US and Israeli authorities, combined with specific assurances provided to Anera by Israeli authorities in a meeting today, allow Anera to resume vital humanitarian operations. We are cautiously hopeful that the assurances we have received will match the demands for the full safety and security of aid workers in Gaza. We will remain vigilant for any indications that that safety is compromised.

These commitments by government authorities mark a crucial step in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of humanitarian efforts in Gaza. Anera’s dedicated staff in Gaza are eager to get back to work providing essential aid to starving, displaced families.


For more information:

Steven Fake
Media Relations Officer
[email protected]

About Anera
Since 1968, Anera has helped refugees and others hurt by conflicts in the Middle East live with dignity and purpose. Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, Lebanon, and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate humanitarian relief and for sustainable health, education, and economic development efforts. Our staff are from the communities they serve, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most. We will keep building better lives until hope finds its way in the Middle East.