Press Release

Anera Welcomes Lebanon’s Move on Palestinian Right to Work

August 18, 2010 | Washington, DC – Anera welcomes Lebanon’s approval of a bill that grants Palestinians new rights to work in the Lebanese economy.

“Opening the job market for Palestinians gives them a new opportunity to improve their lives with dignity and also contribute their skills to the country’s economy,” said Anera President Bill Corcoran. “And, it makes our work in vocational training that much more imperative.”

For more than two decades, Anera has provided relief and development assistance to Lebanese and Palestinians in refugee communities. Working with local partners, Anera also organizes vocational training and access to higher education to build marketable job skills – from catering and hotel management to IT and agriculture-related expertise.

“This new legislation reinforces Anera’s commitment to build more training programs that better prepare underprivileged Palestinian and Lebanese youth who seek a productive future for themselves and their families,” said John Viste, Anera’s Lebanon Country Director.

Anera is working with a number of Palestinian and Lebanese non-profits to improve vocational education in the country. Most recently, Anera rehabilitated vocational training centers for Palestinian youth in and around the Nahr El Bared camp in northern Lebanon, with funding from USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives. The center in Nahr El Bared opens in October and will reach more than 400 youth.