Search Results: farms to fosool

Fighting Food Insecurity and Unemployment with Farms to Fosool

Empowering and supplying farmers to bring fresh and nutritional meals to children in Gaza Across Gaza, families are struggling with food insecurity and unemployment, making it difficult to provide adequate meals for their children each day. Without a properly nutritious diet, children often have poor concentration in school, and suffer from eating and sleeping disorders….


Farms to Fosool Provides Fresh Meals to Children in Gaza

Anera’s President & CEO Sean Carroll heads to one of the preschools that has been positively impacted by Anera. The program serves 12 preschools across Gaza, reaching 1,428 children. It hires 100 local farmers to provide fresh produce and 40 local women, who work overnight to prepare the breakfast meals fresh every morning. The program…

Farms to Fosool

Farms to Fosool

Anera’s new Farms to Fosool program delivers healthy, fresh breakfasts to Gaza preschoolers every school day. We’re building on sustainable, long-term community partnerships connecting family farmers, working women and schools. Farmers participating in Anera’s greenhouse program earn income selling produce to women’s cooperatives. Members of women’s cooperatives earn an income preparing fresh, health breakfasts for…

Gaza emergency response graphic

Education is Under Attack in Gaza

Part of a series on the impact of the war on all sectors of economic life within Gaza, Anera’s immediate response and plans for the future. Other posts cover livelihoods, housing, WASH, health and food production systems. The Gaza Strip, covering an area of 365 square kilometers, is home to a population of 2.3 million…


Staff Leadership Bios

Anera Leadership Bios PRESIDENT PALESTINE DIRECTOR LEBANON DIRECTOR CDO SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS Sean Carroll Anera President & CEO As President & CEO of Anera, and CEO of Anera Ventures, LLC, Sean leads a staff of 150 in Lebanon, Palestine (West Bank, Gaza, E. Jerusalem), Jordan and Washington, DC, delivering over $100 million of humanitarian and…



WHERE WE WORK Gaza Click here to edit the dot navigation module. This text is only for editing and will not appear after you publish the changes. Return to the top of the page. Gaza is suffering. Before October 7, about 80% of Gaza’s 2.3 million people needed humanitarian aid. Now, almost everyone urgently needs…


What I Saw in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon

I joined Anera in 2015. When I first started, I was taken aback at just how impressive and thoughtful Anera’s programs were (and still are!). The humanitarian and development needs in the communities where Anera works are frequently all too visible, and often it is tempting to rush in with stopgap measures to address acute distress.

Handing out public health literature.

Health Education

OUR PRIORITIES Health Education Poverty and Conflict Make Good Health Difficult In refugee camps and vulnerable communities in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan families often have limited access to basic necessities for health and hygiene. Families living on low wages, or none at all, can’t afford essential items like toothbrushes and soap. In the crowded Syrian…

Preschoolers reading at the Bethlehem Government Preschool

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle East

Human-centered development and expanding quality of life In a planet of 8 billion people, with finite natural resources, life looks very different for those lucky enough to be economically prosperous. Billions of people right now are living in circumstances that sharply limit their aspirations, of material deprivation, of limited access to healthcare and many of…