Something Needs to Change
May 25, 2021
“But we cannot move on with the news. Now is the time when people all over the world must come together to support Palestinian communities.”
Read MoreAnera is Building 6 New Preschools in Palestine
Feb 28, 2019
As part of Anera’s early childhood development (ECD) work, we are currently building six new preschools in the northern West Bank. These schools, like the others Anera has built or renovated, are located in rural and economically disadvantaged communities, where access and availability are particularly limited. Early childhood has an immense impact on a person’s development…
Read MorePlanning a brand refresh? Six lessons learned.
Jul 9, 2018
Anera has just gone through a rebranding process in recognition of 50 years of impactful work. We are well known and highly regarded – thanks to our great staff – and our logo is everywhere in Palestine and Lebanon. So, why rebrand? Anera’s staff and board leadership agreed it was time we entered the modern…
Read More11 Years of Visiting Gaza, Seeing it Deteriorate
Apr 25, 2018
Since December 2007 I have visited Gaza nine times. It is April 2018 and I just got back from a trip there. Over the course of 11 years, I have seen this beautiful strip of land deteriorate to the point where it is hard to imagine how much worse it can be. On my first…
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