The Olive Press

Building A Better Future in Palestine – What’s Your Vision?

Apr 29, 2019

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A message from Anera President & CEO, Sean Carroll… During a recent visit to Palestine, I visited some fields laced by sanasil, stone wall terraces, in the West Bank. For millennia, these sanasil have protected the land they are built upon from erosion and farmer’s crops and orchards from flooding or grazing wild animals. While…

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Working to Empower the People and Environment of Palestine

Apr 19, 2019

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As an environmental studies graduate and a recent volunteer in the West Bank, where I saw firsthand the threats to the natural environment, I am reflecting on Earth Day this year through the context of the Palestinian natural landscape. The environmental situation in the Palestinian territories is devastating. A range of factors create an unhealthy…

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11 ways Anera supports achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

by Anera

Apr 17, 2019

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Considering Anera’s work within an international framework Anera’s goal is to help people in difficult situations live lives filled with dignity, meaning and hope. We do so by providing emergency supplies when disaster strikes, and by implementing long-term programs covering health, education, livelihoods, women’s empowerment and other critical issues. Creating stronger communities requires building up…

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Hope Competition: Crafting Violins to Support Syrian Refugees

Mar 27, 2019

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Late last fall, Marios Pavlou, a third-year student at The Newark School of Violin Making in the UK, reached out to Anera with a unique proposition: his school wanted to donate the proceeds from their instrument-building competition. The Newark School wanted sales of the instruments to support an organization working with Syrian refugees. Pavlou, originally…

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Following the Philanthropic Example Set by My Family

Mar 6, 2019

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I’m a Palestinian-American born and raised in the city of Anabta, in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank. Anabta, known for its vast olive groves, and recognized for its highly educated residents and their contributions in the arts, literature and sciences, is in the northern West Bank, on the main highway between Nablus…

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Anera is Building 6 New Preschools in Palestine

Feb 28, 2019

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As part of Anera’s early childhood development (ECD) work, we are currently building six new preschools in the northern West Bank. These schools, like the others Anera has built or renovated, are located in rural and economically disadvantaged communities, where access and availability are particularly limited. Early childhood has an immense impact on a person’s development…

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Promoting Environmentalism & Hygiene in Lebanon

by Anera

Feb 11, 2019

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Meet Hatem, a 12-year-old Palestinian living in Burj Shemali camp in South Lebanon, while he gives you a tour of his school and shows you how Anera is working to promote environmentalism and hygiene in Lebanon by conducting a series of awareness sessions at UNRWA schools. These sessions are held to change attitudes and behaviors…

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Emergency Storm Response in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley

by Anera

Feb 6, 2019

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In Lebanon, 70,000 refugees are at risk during extreme weather events. Of that number, over half are children, some 40,000. Last month, Lebanon was battered by two heavy storms. The impact on Syrian refugees living in tent camps was particularly acute. The first storm, Norma, struck on January 6 with heavy rain, high winds and…

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TAKREEM 2018 International Contribution to Arab Society Award Video

by Anera

Dec 27, 2018

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Congratulations to all Anera’s staff, board, and supporters on winning the Takreem 2018 International Contribution to Arab Society Award! More information about the award is available in our press release.

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Anera’s Top 10 Success Stories of 2018

by Anera

Dec 26, 2018

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This list highlights our most popular stories and blog posts from 2018. We hope you enjoy! 10. Three Generations of Support: Our Family & Anera Reflecting on the genesis of Anera and her family’s support for the organization since the beginning, Betty Sams wrote in a guest blog post, “In August of 1967, 50 people from all…

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