Delivering Wheelchairs to Palestinian Refugee Families in Lebanon
May 29, 2020
Nawfal and Nihaya are two Palestinian refugees who live in Kharayib Village near Saida, Lebanon. Both have special physical needs that require the use of a wheelchair for mobility. The couple runs a mini-market out of part of their house and sell basic foodstuffs for income. Due to COVID-19, they are now considered essential workers….
Read MoreProviding food for those in need in Gaza and Lebanon during Ramadan
May 20, 2020
GAZA LEBANON Every year during Ramadan, Anera assembles food parcels with an array of pantry essentials for hungry families in Gaza and Lebanon. This year, due to the economic distress caused by COVID-19, our food parcels were even more important. To meet the heightened need, we have expanded and incorporated new elements into our distributions…
Read MoreA Sustainable Response to COVID-19 in Lebanon’s Palestinian Refugee Camps
May 20, 2020
Anera’s staff in Lebanon are making their communities better during COVID-19 with sustainable solutions.
Read MoreWhat Does it Take to Assemble Food Parcels for Ramadan in Gaza?
May 19, 2020
What does it take to put together a sustainable food parcel in Gaza? Anera’s Rania Elhelo explains the process — from the greenhouse, the warehouse and to Palestinian families’ homes. Anera’s food parcels provide Palestinian families enough food for a month while providing income for Palestinian farmers who supply fresh produce.
Read MoreOn This Land | على هذه الأرض
Apr 22, 2020
We have on this land that which makes life worth living We have on this land all of that which makes life worth living The opening lines of famed Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s poem are an apt reminder that we are all responsible for preserving and protecting the lands we call home. Refugees have a…
Read MoreWhy We Support Anera
Apr 15, 2020
NEVADANS FUNDRAISE TO HELP PALESTINIANS CONFRONT COVID-19 I’m a member of Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights. We’re currently running a fundraising campaign to support Anera’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 crisis in Palestine and Lebanon. We’re fairly new. We started last fall with a core group of like-minded people, focusing on creating awareness and…
Read MoreA letter to the U.S. Administration from humanitarian organizations
Apr 6, 2020
On Friday, April 3, Anera joined 13 other humanitarian organizations in urging the State Department and USAID to resume funding for humanitarian and development programs in the West Bank and Gaza to help respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The other signatory organizations are the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), CARE, Catholic Relief Services (CRS),…
Read MoreIs Gaza Unlivable?
Apr 1, 2020
A UN report published in 2012 announced that Gaza would be unlivable by 2020. The predictions were about an alarming humanitarian crisis on a small strip of land. Here we are in 2020 and we’re grappling with a global pandemic! It’s hard for the people of Gaza to fully grasp a silent unpredictable enemy like…
Read MoreAn update from North Lebanon in the wake of the coronavirus threat
Mar 30, 2020
In this solidarity we see hope By Ahlam Chalabi Ahlam is Anera’s area manager for North Lebanon. Lebanon has been in a crisis since October. Since coronavirus arrived here, things are even harder. The situation is really heavy. Day workers and the vulnerable are suffering the most. But difficult circumstances also bring out people doing…
Read MoreAnera’s Lebanon Work in the COVID-19 Era
Mar 26, 2020
“What does it mean when you shut down a country that was already impoverished and broken?” This is the question Anera’s country director Samar El Yassir poses. No one knows the answer yet, but, based on the facts we know, it can’t be good. Most businesses are closed, which means that day laborers, drivers, and…
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