The Olive Press

Remembering Palestinian Refugees on World Refugee Day 2018

by Anera

Jun 19, 2018

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Memories are a refugee’s treasure – memories of the sights and sounds of the homes they were forced to flee months, years, decades ago. The perfume of flowers from the garden or the aroma of spices in the market evoke fond memories of a happier life abandoned as families escaped war and destruction with little…

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Gaza Emergency

by Anera

Jun 13, 2018

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Once again, the crisis in the Gaza Strip is generating headlines around the world. Recent protests at the Gaza-Israeli border left thousands of Palestinians in need of medical aid. These Gaza protests, called ‘The Great March of Return,’ were focused on the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants to family lands or…

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Anera’s Story

by Anera

Jun 11, 2018

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In commemoration of 50 years of impactful programs with Palestinian refugees and vulnerable communities across Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza, Anera has a new logo and brand story. But we have the same mission! 

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Gaza Block Parties Bring Minnesotans Together to Help Palestinians

Jun 7, 2018

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I am a Minnesota native but my family comes from Qalqilya in the West Bank. And, though I live 6,000 miles from Palestine, the terrible situation there is real to me. I suspect that all of us who support Anera have this feeling in common. In the wake of the 2014 war on Gaza, I…

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Gaza Strawberry Farmer

by Anera

May 23, 2018

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Meet Akram, a Palestinian farmer in Beit Lahia, Gaza. He and his five brothers make a living from their 3.7 acres of strawberry crops. Anera rehabilitated the road leading to his property and they can more easily get their product to market. They also have a lot of visitors to the farm, who enjoy sitting…

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5 Things Anera is Doing to Help Gaza

by Anera

May 23, 2018

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Once again, the world is looking at tiny Gaza as it copes with more bloodshed and anguish. For Anera’s community of supporters, the news is a call to action to do something for the Palestinians of Gaza who are caught up in a situation that is hard for most people to fathom. With generous donor…

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Letter to My Mother in Gaza

May 13, 2018

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Dear Om Mazin, it’s been more than five years since we were in the same room together and I miss that very much. Every passing day, I think about the joy of being in your company and in your eyesight. As a little boy growing up in Gaza, things did not always make sense. Back…

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11 Years of Visiting Gaza, Seeing it Deteriorate

Apr 25, 2018

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Since December 2007 I have visited Gaza nine times. It is April 2018 and I just got back from a trip there. Over the course of 11 years, I have seen this beautiful strip of land deteriorate to the point where it is hard to imagine how much worse it can be. On my first…

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5 Ways Anera Helps Protect the Environment

by Anera

Apr 23, 2018

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Did you know that one of Anera’s priorities is protecting the environment? We incorporate green practices into a variety of projects, from building with recycled materials to irrigating with treated water. Here are five ways, thanks to our community of supporters, we are helping to address pollution, climate change and limited resources in Palestine (Gaza/West…

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To Whom Much is Given, Much is Asked

Apr 5, 2018

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A little over 15 years ago, my parents’ home in California burned to the ground. I drove up as the rubble was being cleared away and asked the workers to stop so I could rummage through and see what was salvageable. In a small frayed pouch I found all of my deceased father’s documents from…

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